Butex Inj
Butex, Buparvaquone, stands as a formidable solution for the therapy and prevention of various forms of theileriosis. Its second-generation hydroxynaphthoquinone formula ensures potent action against Theileria parva, T. annulata, T. mutans, and T. orientalis, offering robust protection against East Coast Fever, Corridor Disease, Tropical Theileriosis, and more.Butex injection is used to treat or prevent tick-transmitted theileriosis caused by Theileria parva or T. annulate in Cattle; Lactating Cows, Heifers, Calves and young Bulls.Butex injection is effective during the schizonts and piroplasms stages of the parasite. It also can be used during the incubation period.Butex injection is used for clinically affected animals and to in-contact animals which maybe infected but not showing clinical signs. It is intended to be administered by intramuscular injection.Butex injection is an effective treatment for Theileriosis in Cattle. Butex injection is most effective when cattle are treated early in the course of the disease with supportive therapy such as (antibiotics, hematinics, amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, IV fluids and antipyretics).It can also be used for treatment of T. equi that causes equine piroplasmosis may include oxytetracycline IV and buparvaquone, this is used for persistent infections.With its long plasma half-life and low toxicity, Butex guarantees safe and effective treatment, acting on both schizonts and piroplasms stages. Count on Butex for unparalleled defense in the battle against theileriosis in cattle.
Closavet: Your precise defense against parasitic challenges.Closavet, powered by Closantel, is a robust solution against a range of parasites. Effective against adult and juvenile flukes, blood-sucking nematodes, larvae of flies, and more, Closavet ensures comprehensive protection. It's the go-to choice for controlling chronic and sub-acute fascioliasis in cattle and sheep, combating Oestrus ovis (Sheep Nasal Bot Fly), and tackling Haemonchus contortus (Barber Pole worm) in various stages, including benzimidazole-resistant strains.