Aromil plus 50
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Fungicide Contains 15%( w/w) Metalaxyl and 35 % (w/w) Copper Oxychloride in the form of wettable powder .
Copper oxychloride: foliar fungicide with protective action. Deposits must be on the crop before fungal spores begin to germinate.
Metalaxyl: Systemic Fungicide with protective and curative action, absorbed through the leaves, stems , and roots .
Aromil -Plus 50 has a special composition with high efficiency, combine metalaxyl and copper oxychloride to give higher efficiency and powerfull action.
Aromil -Plus 50 has a high activity in control fungal disease.
Crops | Disease | Application rate | Preharvest period (days) |
Grape | Downy mildew | 150 gm/ 100 lit water | 7 |
Peach, apricot | Powdery mildew, downy mildew, scab, cankers | 30- 35 gm/ 20 lit water | 21 |
Tomato | Late blight, downy mildew | 30- 40 gm/ 20 lit water | 14 |
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