Tectin Inj

        Tectin is the go-to choice for comprehensive antiparasitic control in livestock. Derived from the potent avermectin family, it effectively treats and controls a wide range of internal and external parasites affecting cattle, sheep, and goats. From gastrointestinal nematodes to lungworms, nasal bots, warble bots, mange mites, and sucking lice, Tectin provides reliable protection, ensuring the health and well-being of your valuable livestock. Trust Tectin for complete and reliable parasite control.

        Tectin Oral

        Tectin is your trusted solution for tackling a range of parasites in Sheep, Goats, and Cattle. This potent formula effectively targets gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, and nasal bot larvae, ensuring thorough treatment and control. Protect your livestock with Tectin for comprehensive parasite relief.

        Tectin Plus

        Tectin Plus is your ultimate solution for cattle parasite control. This potent injectable offers superior protection against a variety of internal and external parasites, ensuring the well-being of your livestock. From gastrointestinal roundworms to lungworms, liver flukes, eye worms, and mites, Tectin Plus provides comprehensive coverage. Trust in its effectiveness and keep your cattle healthy and thriving.

        Tectin Super

        Tectin Super is designed for the comprehensive treatment and control of various parasites in beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle, and sheep. Its dual-action formula combines Ivermectin and Clorsulon, targeting a wide range of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, liver flukes, eye worms, warbles, mange mites, and sucking lice. By disrupting the nervous system of parasites and inhibiting essential enzymes, Tectin Super ensures the effective paralysis and elimination of these harmful organisms. Trust Tectin Super for superior parasite control, promoting the health and well-being of your livestock.