Coprodate 77
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Non systemic fungicide contains 77% (w/w) copper hydroxide (equal 50% w/w copper) in the form of wettable powder.
Protectant fungicide and bactericide. Deposits must be on the crop before fungal spores begin to germinate.
Coprodate 77 WP is used to control fungal and bacterial diseases by contact on many crops.
Coprodate 77 WP strongly adheres to plant surface and cannot washed by rain.
Main crops | Typical Pests | Application rate / 20 lit water | PHI* Days |
ِApple & Pear | Scab , bacterial disease, fire blight | 70 gm | 21 days
Peach, apricot, plums | Scab , bacterial disease, fire blight | 70 gm | 21 days |
Citrus | Citrus canker | 40 – 50 gm | 21 days |
Grapes | powdery mildew & black rot | 40 – 50 gm | 14 days |
Eggplant , squash | Downy mildew, spots | 30 –40 gm | 7 days |
Potato | Late & early blight | 40 – 50 gm | 7 days |
Tomato | Late & early blight and leaf blotch | 40 – 50 mg | 7 days |
Olive | Peacock eye spot | 75 mg (pre-blooming applied at 50 gm) | 21 days |
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