Lepidocide 5 SG
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Non-systemic insecticide contains 5% (w/w) Emamectin benzoate in the form of water soluble granules
Non-systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement. Paralyses lepidoptera, which stop feeding within hours of ingestion, and die after 2-4 days.
–Lepidocide 5 SG Non-systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement.
–Lepidocide 5 SG Paralyses the lepidoptera, which stop feeding within hours of ingestion, and die after 2-4 days.
-Lepidocide 5 SG for control or suppression of certain Lepidoptera, leafminers, and spider mites on vegetables, and fruit
Crops | Typical Pests | Dosage gm/20L of water | PHI |
Tomatoes, peppers, Eggplants | Worms, cabbage looper,Leaf miner | 3-8 5- 8 | 7 days |
Almonds | Worms, codling moth, leafrollers, spider mites | 3- 8
| 14 days |
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli | Diamondback moth, Beet armyworm, Cabbage webworm, Corn earworm, Cross-striped cabbageworm, Fall armyworm Cabbage looper, leafminers | 3- 8
5- 8 | 7 days |
Lettuce, celery, parsley | Beet armyworm, Corn earworm, budworm, fall armyworm, Cabbage looper, leafminer | 3- 8
5- 8 | 7 days
Pear, Apple, quince, loquat | leaf miner, bud moth , fruit worms, leafrollers, pear psylla,spider mites | 5- 8 | 14 days |
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