Aracur 72.2 SL
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Systemic Fungicide containing 72.2%(w/v) Propamocarb Hydrochloride in the form of soluble concentrate
A systemic fungicide with protective action, absorbed by the root and leaves and transported acropetally
– Reduces growth and development of fungi and development spores
– Protects vegetable crops from fungal diseases caused by soil fungus like damping off, downy mildew, root rot and late blight
– Applied to the soil, used as dip treatment (for bulbs & tubers) or as seed treatment
Crops | Disease | Application rate & method of use | Preharvest Period (days) |
Tomatoes, Eggplants | Pythium wilt | 20 ml/ 20 lit water Diluted solution drenched by 5 L/ m2 ( use before planting) | 14 |
Pepper (green house) | Pythium wilt | 20 ml/ 20 lit water diluted solution drenched by 100 – 150 ml / plant (use after planting) | 14 |
Cauliflower | Downy mildew | Spraying 60 ml/ 20 lit water | 14 |
Ornamentals | Pythium wilt | 5-10 ml/ 1-5 lit water/ m2 depend on soil moisture and plant density ( seed sowing in nursery or in field)
| – |
| Phytophthora | 10- 15 ml/ 1-5 lit water/ m2 (transplanting and harvest)
50 ml/ 20 lit water
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