Diclosan 28
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Selective systemic herbicide contains 28% (w/v) Diclofop-methyl in the form of Emulsifiable Concentrate .
Selective systemic herbicide , with contact action absorbed primarily by the leaves , with some absorption by the roots in moist soil and translocate within the plant , destroys the cell membrane , prevent the assimilate translocation to the roots , and inhibit photosynthsis .
Diclosan: Used as post-emergence to control of annual grasses in wheat , barley & rye crops and broad leaved crops .
Diclosan: moves through plant tissues which cause cells damage and stop food substance movement to the roots, and inhibits photosynthesis.
Diclosan: incompatible with most other herbicides.
Crops | Weeds | Application rate |
Barley, alfalfa, clover, peas, wheat, mustard | Used as post emergence herbicide (annual weeds) at 1- 4 leaf stage | 2.5 lit / ha (250 ml / du) |
Barley, alfalfa, clover, peas, wheat, mustard | Used as post emergence herbicide( wild oat weed) at 1- 4 leaf stage | 2.8 lit/ ha (280 ml/ du) |
Carrots, beans, onion, potato, soybean, sugar beet | Used as post emergence herbicide (annual weeds) at 1- 4 leaf stage | 3.5 li/ ha (350 ml/ du) |
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