Supervertic Plus
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Non- systemic insecticide/ miticide contains 8.4% (w/v) abamectin in the form of a suspension concentrate
Insecticide and Acaricide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement
– Contains 84 gm abamectin per 1 liter, used to control many types of sucking and chewing insecticide
– Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach
– Controls motile stages of mites, leaf miners,thrips.. etc. on citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops,stone fruit, vegetables, potatoes, and other crops
Crops | Pests | Application rate (ml / 20L Water) | Preharvest period (days) |
Citrus | Broad mite, citrus bud mite, two spotted spider mit Citrus thrips, asian citrus psyllid Citrus rust mite Citrus leafminer
| 3.5 – 6
1.5 – 6
| 7 |
Apricot, cherry, peach,nectarine, plum,almond | European red mite, twospotted mite | 3.5 – 6
| 21 |
Cucumber,watermelon, muskmelon, squash, pumpkin | Leafminers, mites | 2.5 – 5 | 7 |
Dry beans | leafminers, mites | 2.5 – 5 | 7 |
Eggplant,peppers(bell & chilli), tomatoes | Broad mite,leafminers, mites, thrips, tomatows psyllid, tomato russet mite | 2.5 – 5 | 7 |
Lettuce, parsley, spinach | mite, leafminers, twospotted mite | 2.5 -5 | 7 |
Onion, garlic | Leafminers, thrips | 2.5 -5 | 30 |
Potatoes | Leafminers, potato psyllid, mites | 2.5 – 5 | 14 |
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