Lambdathrin 5 EC
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Non systemic insecticide contains 5% (w/v) Lambda-Cyhalothrin in the form of emulsifiable concentrate
Non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach action and repellent properties. Gives rapid knock-down and long residual activity
– Control many insects which infects vegetables and fruit trees.
– Provides good control of insect –born plant viruses
– Also used for control of insect pests in public healthth
Crops | Insects Controlled | Application Rate | Preharvest Period |
Pome & Vines | Aphid, thrips, white fly | 6-12ml/ 20 Lit. water | 14 Days |
Tomato , Cucumber , Cabbage and potato | White fly, thrips, leaf miners | 5-12 ml/20 lit water | 7 Days |
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