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Fungicide consists of 70% (w/w) Propineb and 6% (w/w) Cymoxanil in the form of wettable powder
Propineb: Basic foliar fungicide with protective action. Conidia or germinating conidia are killed by contact.
Cymoxanil : Foliar fungicide with protective and curative action. Has contact and local systemic activity, and also inhibits sporulation.
– Cyconeb WP fungicide combine two active ingredients, one is contact foliar protective fungicide and the other is systemic protective and curative fungicide. Cyconeb WP reduce the mites population when use is repeated.
– Cyconeb WP has low toxicity on human and animals, non phytotoxic.
Main crops | Typical Pests | Application rate | PHI* Days |
Tomato, Muskmelon, onion, lettuce, Beans | Late & Early blight, leaf spots, downy mildew, rots, rust, anthracnose | 40 gm per 20 liter water | 14 days
Cucumber | Late & Early blight, leaf spots, downy mildew | 40 gm per 20 liter of water | 7 days |
Potato | Late & Early blight | 40 gm per 20 liter water | 14 days |
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